
Katzie & the Wapato

The Katzie are a Coast Salish people of the Fraser River Delta. Since time immemorial, this community farmed the wetland tuber wapato (Sagittaria latifolia) and managed other plant and animal resources in the rich delta environment they call home. This project, led by Katzie researchers Roma Leon, Mike Leon, and Debbie Miller, with Tanja Hoffmann, Natasha Lyons, and other partners, combines archaeobotany, archaeology, traditional knowledge and experimental farming methods to understand and document their long history of Indigenous resource management with a view to restoring wapato and other traditional plant foods, medicines and technologies to Katzie territory.

Articles of Interest

How can Archaeobotany serve Katzie food sovereignty? (2023)
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Were the Ancient Coast Salish Farmers? A Story of Origins (2021)
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Katzie & the Wapato: An Archaeological Love Story (2018)
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Engineered feature used to enhance gardening at a 3800-year-old site on the Pacific Northwest Coast (2016)
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Plant Relations of the Sts'ailes