Ursus Artifact Gallery
Standstone abrader pieced together.
Betty Charlie and Clifford Hall with their artifact collection.
Volcanic projectile point from the Okanagan.
Tool marks on a Culturally Modified Tree (CMT) stump.
Complete salal berry under scanning electron magnification.
Abandoned partially constructed canoe next to the tree (left, yellow tape) it was felled from.
Collection of Flake Tools from the Okanagan.
James Pokiak demonstrating ancient Inuvialuit weaponry.
Projectile point recovered during post-impact assessment after a wildfire.
Detail of an ancestral Inuvialuit parka.
Surface finds in situ from the Shuswap.
Quartzite projectile point in situ from the West Kootenays.
Quartz projectile point in situ in the West Kootenays.
Albert Elias sporting snow goggles.
Polished bone point.
Collection of historic glass and clay bottles from the Coast.
Volcanic projectile point from the North Okanagan.
Woven basket in situ.
Argillite biface from the West Kootenays.
Miniature kayaks from the Inuvialuit MacFarlane Collection, Smithsonian.
Darrel Nasogaluak making fishhooks.
Clam shells from a midden excavation.
Collection of projectile points from a site in the Okanagan.
Collection of projectile points from a site on the Coast.
Avon Chert and Knife River Flint collected from East Kootenays.
Inuvialuit Living History team discussing artifacts.
Projectile point in situ in the Okanagan.
Woven bark rope.
Chert Flake Tool.
Volcanic axehead collected from the West Kootenays.
Ida Joe and Nellie Arey inspect a stone lamp, qudlit.
View of lithic (stone) debitage in a screen.
Fishnet floats hanging at a historic Inuvialuit whale camp.
Historic bottles and container from the Coast.
Historic glass trade bead.
Shirley and Albert Elias teaching Inuvialuit drum songs.
Culturally Modified Tree (CMT) scar and surrounding tree canopy.